Unleashing rapid business growth

June 22, 2023

Unleashing rapid business growth

The power of differentiation and a consistent message.


Unless your goal is to build a lifestyle business that supports where you are now (and that’s a great goal, by the way) you probably want fast growth for your brand. 

We’ve helped dozens of business owners do that and today we’re going to share one of the core aspects that will fuel your trajectory.

It’s straightforward (why, oh why as humans do we usually want to go and complicate things?) and you can apply it immediately.

And it might just revolutionize the way you see your business.

First, let’s get the ‘stoopid tactic’ out of the way. Brutal, yes, but if you think the only way to compete is on price, the only question is how fast you can race to the bottom. Nobody really wants to see their profits melt faster than the ice in your watermelon margarita on a summer’s day, and most business owners I know would prefer to build something sustainable. The only time you should be ‘cheap’ is when you’re seeding products or services so that you can get established and bring your first reviews. Once your product’s proven, don’t be a ‘screw the price down’ brand.

What’s the answer?

Differentiation, baby.

You want to put together a consistent message that nobody else can replicate; one that has your ideal customers saying “Oh, I GET it!” and makes you the only choice in their minds.

The industry term for the core of this is your USP, or Unique Selling Proposition. But we don’t give a toss about industry terms. What we want you to get clear on is how truly unique you are, and then see how there are aspects of your brand that nobody else can compete with.

When you do, people will see it as a no-brainer to buy from you … even if you charge more, offer less, or they have to wait to get your product or service.

Sounds “hard to do”, right? You might be thinking “That all sounds impressive, but how do I identify my USP and actually create this consistent message?”

Most business owners don’t get beyond this question because the work feels hard.

But when you do this work, you will be surprised how much momentum you can create in your business, fast.

Use this step-by-step guide to make the process easier:


Step 1: Identify Your Most Profitable and Satisfied Clients

It’s much easier to identify your ideal client when you realise they’re likely to be right in front of you.

Think about your current customers. Who are the clients that bring you the most profits? Write down their names. Think about what it is they’re interested in, in terms of the problem your product solved for them, and the difference it’s made in their lives.

Take the time to identify your consistent message and target demographic.


Step 2: Segment Your Customers

When you look over your list, you'll likely notice patterns or similarities. Group these customers together based on these commonalities and give each group a name. These are your customer segments.

It might turn out that your segments aren’t what you expected. Most people come at it from a demographics/interests perspective. You know the drill: “Ann is 34 years old, drives a Tesla, works out at her gym twice a week but secretly keeps a stash of junk food in her desk drawer.”

The problem with this kind of very-specific-avatar is that there might be 2783 people in the world that fit it ;)

Instead, look for the commonalities that aren’t so obvious. 

For us at McKee Creative, the commonalities are small business owners who love having peace of mind when it comes to their marketing. They don’t tend to be flashy types when it comes to personality and lifestyle, even when they’re doing well financially. They’re a diverse bunch - their businesses include health clinics, ecomm brands, accommodation providers, events organisers - but the common thread is often expressed as “I’m so glad you take care of it all!” … because they just don’t want to get into the tech of the marketing aspects of their brand.

Two coworkers segmenting their audience to identify different customer groups and serve a more targeted message.


Step 3: Identify Your Ideal Target Clients

Next, make a big red circle around the customer segments you make the most profits from, and another circle in blue around the ones you get the best results for (if you provide a service) or who are completely enamored with your product (if you sell products). You'll probably find at least one customer group that has both a red and a blue circle around them. These are your ideal target clients. If it’s a small number of people, that’s okay; the beauty of this exercise is that it’ll help you go find so many more just like them.

A marketer identifying their ideal target clients to enhance their campaign.


Step 4: Identify Your Points of Difference

Now, list the specific things that you do for these ideal target clients that your competitors don't. Think about it: what unique services or products do you offer that keep them satisfied? These are your points of difference—those special elements that only you can provide.

For us, it’s that all-in-one marketing that truly brings our clients peace of mind.

Identifying your points of difference helps you meticulously craft offers that stand out with your target audience.

Step 5: Craft Your Consistent Message

Finally, ask yourself two questions:

  1. From the customer's perspective, what is the higher purpose (benefit) of all these extra things you do?
  2. How could you summarize them in a way that encapsulates the product or service you provide?

This is your consistent message, the powerful statement that sums up your unique value proposition.

Our agency message? It’s that single question: “How would you feel if your marketing was running like clockwork?”

Crafting this consistent message might feel daunting when you first come at it,  especially if you offer a wide range of services. But it's absolutely possible. Consider our agency’s own example: Despite offering a comprehensive menu of marketing services, we have encapsulated them into a single consistent message: all-in-one marketing. This message resonates with our ideal clients who value the peace of mind that comes with knowing their marketing needs are comprehensively covered.

Getting your consistent message right is pivotal, as it directly influences the conversion rate in your sales funnel. But once you've got it, you have powerful rocket fuel for your brand, plus the advantage over your competitors who figured this was all too much trouble and didn’t bother. You now have a concrete point of difference that you can weave into all aspects of your business.

This is crucial in a world that seems to get more noisy by the day.

When you have articulated your consistent message, never allow yourself to get tired of repeating it. You might have heard it a thousand times, but your prospects will likely need a few dozen times before they even remember you’re there. That’s okay. It’s your job to keep sharing your message: get it on your website, your brochures, your business cards, in your social media posts. And bring it into every conversation you have with prospective clients.

Think of your consistent message as a beacon, constantly sending out signals to your ideal clients. No matter where they look, they should see your consistent message guiding them towards your business.

For the TL;DR here are the 4 reasons why you should make it a Do It Now moment, to create your consistent message and so differentiate yourself from your competitors:

  1. You’ll attract the right customers: your consistent message will resonate with your ideal clients, drawing them towards your business. They’ll feel like they’re in the right place, and that your brand is the right solution.
  2. You’ll build loyalty: your consistency of message will build trust, which leads to loyalty from your customers. This is invaluable for the lifetime value of customers in your business.
  3. You’ll increase profitability: your clear focus will show clients that you get the job done, effectively. When people see a clear solution to their problem, they are happy to pay for that. 
  4. You’ll drive growth, faster than before: the faster people can see why your offer is THE solution for them, the faster they will buy. 

If you’re ready to break away from your competitors and unleash rapid growth in your business, do the work of identifying your unique value proposition and crafting the consistent message that will resonate with your ideal customers.

It’s your ‘ticket to ride.’






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