How to dissect marketing results

July 6, 2023

How to dissect marketing results

Without judgment or blame - so you can find real clarity in your progress


Nope, this post won’t be your usual data analysis post.

There won’t be a bunch of charts and a waterfall of numbers. Because what I want to address (and what really matters) is how we relate to each other when we’re looking at those charts and numbers … the way each person feels, and how they’re equipped to build with equal impact on their successes and their failures.

Something so crucial, you won’t believe you haven’t considered it.

We’ve been conditioned to think that everything should be an overnight success and that anyone can make a million dollars in a weekend, right?

But that’s generally not the case. Which means that, for the rest of us? There will be angles to test, messages to refine, structure to alter and sometimes products to ditch, before you hit those goals.


It means that not everything you run will be successful.

For a bit of consolation, think of how Elon Musk knew they needed to blow up a few rockets first, before they could build something that would do the job. They cut it so fine, almost running out of funds. But how far has he come since?

I’m not suggesting you need to run things so close to the wire (or literally blow things up), but to produce something great they needed to push past what they knew.

It’s useful to keep Brian Roemmele’s words in mind:

“We can only see what we think is possible. This reminds us that not only do we not know the outcome ahead of time, we must continually train our minds to cast the most imaginative vision of what we want, or we’ll miss a bunch of good ideas!”

There are some key metrics to digital marketing success that often go ignored - but we'll show you exactly what to look for to ensure your campaigns thrive.


Your business marketing requires you to move past what you know if you are to create growth.

So, if you want to dissect your marketing results to bring the most “oomph” to your next steps? Here’s what you need to think about: 

  1. Was there a clear outcome in mind? (What did we see as possible, and did we articulate it clearly?)
  2. Did we take the time to get all of the resources in place?
  3. Did the exercise go well, or did it fail?
  4. If it went well, ask each person involved why they think it succeeded (and get them to add that to their “success wall” as a reminder of that win!)
  5. If it failed, look at where the bottlenecks were, in what order, and how those points in the campaign could have been made stronger.

Marketing moves fast.

Platforms update policies and algorithms, it seems, on the daily.

What worked last month may curl up and run out of air this month.

Yet, as the quirky human beasties we are, we don’t change much. The way we want to get  things, try to avoid other things, and the way we see ourselves … those things are timeless. These human aspects are the dependable principles on which to build your campaigns.

It’s crucial to train your team so that they can review and analyze your data and the campaign decisions without fear of blame or judgment, so that they can think clearly and allow fresh inspiration to flow. Fear contracts; love expands.

It's important to create a safe environment for your digital marketing team, so they have space to explore new approaches without fear of judgement or failure.

You want to create that space where each team member knows it’s okay to be exactly as they are.

At McKee Creative we do this by:

  1. Remembering each person involved is well-trained for the job, and regularly adding opportunities to build on that training.
  2. Keeping in mind that everyone’s doing their best, and wants the campaign to succeed
  3. Honoring the initiative each person takes when contributing to a campaign
  4. Bringing in a “fresh pair of eyes” from outside the agency whenever we hit a wall and cannot quickly find a solution. Having a strong network of supportive marketers - with expertise in every platform - has been incredibly valuable over the years.
  5. Celebrating the wins!

It’s the collaborative approach that has helped us deliver consistent growth for each client, and the bonus is that it cultivates a culture where we’re all looking out for fresh opportunities for each aspect of the work we do for clients, and so creating a cycle of added value.

Collaboration is an essential part of how we operate at McKee Creative and we work hard to foster an open, free environment that encourages innovation.

The step by step approach

When [and I’ll say when, not if ;) ] you create an outcome with your marketing that you’re less-than-satisfied with, here’s how to move forward:

  1. Look at whether you are speaking to the right people - those who resonate with your brand
  2. Look at whether what you are saying to them is a clear, strong message and check that they can easily see what the next step is that they should take (HINT: Ask yourself if YOU’D find it easy as a customer)
  3. Look at whether the thing you are asking them to do passes the “what’s in it for me?” test. Is it enough of a “no brainer” that they’d be crazy not to take you up on your offer?

Your team is a vital part of your marketing success. It's important to do a thorough stocktake to ensure your approaches, values and goals are in alignment.

When you’re not sure what to do next

Just like we tap into a worldwide network of Very Fabulous experts in different marketing niches, other agencies and also new clients come to us for that “second set of eyes”. Because sometimes you can get in your own way, when you’re so deep into the details that you can’t see what’s often the one simple bottleneck.

You’re welcome to book a one-off call here if you’d like us to look over a particular aspect, or the whole shebang, when it comes to your digital marketing campaigns. It’s an easy no-strings way to open a release valve and get the results flowing.

Book in your free consultation with McKee Creative to be freed from bottlenecks and get clarity for your campaigns.





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